Anyway, here's my list of the 10 best albums from the past year. You can now replace whatever shit you've been listening to previously, listen to strictly this list, and tell your ears they're welcome.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Best Albums Of 2009
Anyway, here's my list of the 10 best albums from the past year. You can now replace whatever shit you've been listening to previously, listen to strictly this list, and tell your ears they're welcome.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Upgrade NOW for the latest features!
I'm not a scientist, so I'll refrain from getting overly technical in my explanation. Trans fats were developed in the early 1900s using a process called hydrogenation. Long story short they came up with things like margarine and Crisco, forever changing the food industry. In the early 1990s, scientists started discovering that maybe (just maybe) trans fats might be pretty bad for us. More and more research started coming in showing this to be true, but even though people started to learn about this, there was no way to tell whether a food contained trans fat. Nutrition labels would simply tell you the amount of total fat, and the amount of that total which was saturated. Then, in 2006, the FDA finally required food labels to distinguish all types of fats found in a product. The public hailed it as a victory for healthy eating. What the FDA tried their best to keep secret (from us, not from the food companies) is that if the amount of trans fat in a serving of food was less than 0.5g it can be reported as zero, even if it's 0.49g. As such, many companies have lessened the amount of trans fat they use so that it's just under 0.5g. Some companies have even simply changed their serving size without actually changing their products. Many of the foods you see which claim to be "trans fat free" are - in fact - not.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
No Activation Fee!
I understand how and why insurance companies make decisions about who qualifies for a treatment and how much they should pay. BCBS is a business trying to make a profit. All of this makes sense. That said, it's completely and totally wrong.
It does not matter how much money someone makes or how successful/powerful they are. When it comes to our health, any industry that decides (directly or indirectly) that one person's life is more important than another's is wrong and should not exist.
The ability to treat a person's health is a right that should exist to any human being. Today, at least one person left our pharmacy without a prescription they needed to keep their health where it should be, and this person has health insurance they pay dearly for each month. Something has to change.
- Jeff
Friday, October 2, 2009
Yours free, with 3 easy payments of $19.99
Coming Soon:
Clown & Cheese
Ferret & Football
Dining & Deer Hunter
Audio & Airplanes
Got an idea for another great magazine along these lines? Leave it in the comments.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
A Brief Interruption
Since laziness prompted me to skip an entire week, I'll take this as an opportunity to give some answers to questions I've received about this little blog.
1. The Titles
The titles to my entries are typically some sort of slogan or phrase I find on a product or in an ad. These are usually picked by what I find to be the most annoying. (Also of note: I'm very forgetful, so when I do come across a good one to use, I save a draft of an empty entry with the title for use later. I see it as recognizing and adapting to my flaws. Yes, even I have flaws. Sometimes)
2. "Loyal Blogolists"
Loyal Blogolists are anyone who reads this regularly. Now that my parents have joined the group, I think that brings the total to 2? (Hi Mom and Dad!)
3. Topic Choices
A few people have asked me how I come up with topics to write about here, and why it varies so widely between politics, my own life, and various others. For the most part, it's just whatever I happen to be thinking about at the time. My goal with this is to keep it entertaining and enjoyable, regardless of topic. Hopefully if you're reading this, I'm pulling that off. If not, you have bigger problems I don't feel comfortable trying to tackle.
There are a few more I'll answer at a different time. Right now I must be off.
If you have any questions, want to talk, or want to dish out some destructive criticism, hit me up at Twitter (@stylson), Facebook (, or by email at (If you send me a friend request, put a note on it, or I'll probably ignore you). Cheers!
- Jeff
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Lounge in Luxury
Friday, September 18, 2009
A style for every taste
More than anything, I think it's a distaste for relying on others. I've never been big on asking for help, and with rare exception, I do not believe I need people's sympathy. Maybe this comes from my often-inflated ego. Though I try to be courteous, polite, and respectful, I do truly believe I am better than most of the people I encounter on any given day. I always make sure that if I display my ego, it's done in a humorous way, so as to not offend, but typically the driving force behind the joke is, in my opinion, truth. For the most part, I do my best to never sincerely appear conceded. For me, it's good enough that I'm aware of the truth (this is likely also due to my ego). Part of me is afraid that if I get older and lose the ability to do things I easily do today, I will lose the sense of myself that I've developed.
I sometimes tell myself that I can do things differently and never reach those points, but there are plenty of times I have doubts about it. Because of this, there are times where I hope I die young. As crazy as it may sound, the thought of never reaching a point past my peak is unusually comforting. Now, don't get me wrong, I love my life and would never remotely consider dying sooner than "my time". Sometimes I just hope "my time" comes before I start falling apart.
Well, that was bright and cheery. I'll leave it on a brighter note: burritos are delicious.
- Jeff
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Eat Free For 3 Weeks!
Ok, I've heard a lot of people saying lately that America has the best health care in the world or the worst. One of these is false, one of these is misleading.
As far as actual patient care goes, American-educated doctor's (with occasional exceptions) provide the best care for their patients. We also develop most of the better medical breakthroughs and medicines.
Because of this, American medicine is also extremely expensive (more so than any other comparable nation). We also have one of the worst "insurance" industries in the world. An insurance company collects premiums on large groups of people/cars/homes and then pays out when someone/thing gets sick/is damaged/stolen. The idea is everyone shares the cost. Premium prices are calculated based on risk so that the company can afford to pay the claims when necessary.
Current health insurance is not really insurance at all. When you get sick, the insurance company looks for any loophole they can find so they can reject your claim. Paying insurance premiums right now is more along the lines of playing the lottery (obviously that was a joke and an exaggeration. Quit your bitching).
Yes, America has the best health care in the world. It's also the most expensive, and we have the worst insurance. Fixing it is not an option. It shouldn't even be debatable.
Maybe Obama should stop calling it "health care reform" and start calling it "health insurance reform". At least then the idiots we call fellow citizens could stop claiming confusion.
- Jeff
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
99% Fat Free!
By now, everyone's been talking about Kanye West again. It's obviously just a narcissistic cry for attention. Kanye, next time someone wins an award you disagree with, complain on twitter instead. You should be familiar by now. Twitter is the thing that everyone uses to make fun of you when you're an ass.
I'm in the break room at Wal-Mart right now. It smells like chicken noodle soup in here.
Music Trivia!:
Pop Song + Light Southern Accent = Country Song
Playing 70 shows a year (working just over 25% of the time) instantly makes you the hardest working person in show business.
- Jeff
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The ONE thing a pregnant cat MUST have constant access to
I have an addiction to Scrabble on Facebook [and also Subway Scrabble, but that's a different story altogether ("That's a different story")]. I can't stop playing it. I'm always looking for more opponents. If you have a Facebook and want to play, let me know. Find me there or email me and I'll set it all up.
My computer was having some issues over the last week or two. I tried to do some little tweaks to give it a little speed boost, but didn't get anywhere. It never did well when I upgraded it to Leopard, so I wiped it and put it back on Tiger. It's doing GREAT again. I need to get myself a new iMac to have as a more powerful computer, but part of that includes being able to afford it.
Ok, "Strawberry Fields" is playing right now. This song has one of the best little melodies of all time. 3rd line of each verse. Listen to it again, if you need to. Amazing.
Ok, it's probably time for me to get some sleep. I've got a day full of Scrabble tomorrow. Need to make sure my brain is fully rested.
Any time I walk in front of a car in a parking lot I look at the car, say "don't hit me", and keep walking. So far they never have. Moral of the story: I have mind-control powers. Don't fuck with me.
- Jeff
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Get your daily dose of fashion!
One thing about Bush, he always got his plans through congress with relative ease. That said, Bush's ideas generally contributed to the global downfall of society. If Obama will just take his good ideas and apply the Bush Administration's balls, everything will turn out fine.
Sure, people don't trust anyone in government these days, but his job is not to calm us down by taking the easy, dangerously wrong approach. His job is to do what he believes is best for the country. In 2012, if the American people decide he's not doing that well enough, we can vote for someone else.
Something to keep in mind, wouldn't 8 years of a terrible President who lied us into wars and economic crisis be a large part of the country's collective growing distrust of our government? Now is the time for Obama to prove to us that he can regain our trust, and he can act on the hope he harvested so well last year.
It's a big job. I hope he can pull it off.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Soft 100% Cotton
Apparently this Wednesday, Steve Jobs will be announcing the next line of iPods. Rumor has it they'll be doing away with the Classic all together. I hope not. Personally, I still prefer the simplicity of the click wheel. Plus, I use an 80gb iPod right now, and to make sure I don't run out of space, I'm forced to either downgrade quality or pick and choose which music makes the cut. I realize that 80gb is plenty of space for most people, but I listen to a lot of music, and if it makes it onto iTunes, that means that at any given moment, I will want to listen to it. If they do pull the plug on the Classic, I hope they'll ensure a Touch model with at least 80gb.
Ok, nerd talk out of the way. I did warn you.
Yesterday in Publix (for people in states/countries that do not have Publix: nicer grocery store) I found Arizona brand Arnold Palmer in big jugs. I've been wanting this for years now. Arnold Palmer, for those unfamiliar, is not just a famous golfer. It's also a drink consisting of 1/2 black tea and 1/2 lemonade (do not confuse this with "iced tea with lemon". It is nowhere near the same thing, and if you make that mistake again I will slap you). There are few beverages better than an Arnold Palmer (one of those is an Arnold Palmer made with green tea instead, but that varies greatly with the quality of the green tea). I recommend you go out and buy one now (found at any respectable gas station: 24 oz can for 99¢), or brew up some tea and make one yourself. I'll wait.
Ok, by now you should have it. Isn't it wonderful? The only correct answer is "yes". If you said "no", throw yourself out a window. You deserve it.
I have my first day of actual training in the pharmacy tomorrow evening. Starting tomorrow I should have a decent idea whether or not I will like this job. The rest of today shall be spent doing little errands or chores around the house.
In the words of Cory, "I've probably met over 1000 cats. There's no way I can remember all their faces."
- Jeff
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Cleans to a Natural Shine!
In other news, last night we had the house to ourself, aside for watching Cory. Andrea helped him make his own dinner (he made himself a grilled chicken sandwich), then he spent the evening upstairs writing a story about cats. With him quiet and upstairs, we got to have a meal to ourselves. I improvised a salad with chicken, peppers, tomatoes, and olives. It ended up being so good that we decided to create a new blog to serve as an online cookbook, so everyone else can enjoy the meals we enjoy (assuming they're as good at cooking as the two of us are, of course). We're calling it Food And Rhyme: The Cookbook, Inc. You can get to it by going to
Also, The Beatles' complete discography has been remastered and comes out on the 9th, in coordination with The Beatles: Rock Band (which, by the way, I really REALLY want). When I first heard they were going to remaster the albums, I figured they would just crank the volume for radio play, and it would sound like shit. However, I've given all the albums a listen, and they sound amazing. This is the best these albums have ever sounded. With that in mind, I need to find a lot of money lying around so I can buy the box set.
I think my lunch today will be a grilled chicken sandwich on toasted wheat bread with lettuce and hummus. Mmm, yes, that sounds fantastic.
I promise I will keep this thing more up to date from here on out. No weeklong vacations for me.
In the words of Cory, "You know if you let your facial hair get rough, you can light a match on it."
- Jeff
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Blow again and again!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Safe to use around cats and dogs
Ok, dinner's ready, but I'm not ready to stop this wonderful piece of writing just yet. I believe an intermission is in order...
Well that was delicious. Some sort of garlic chicken rice thing. Cleaning up afterwards was less appealing. I won't go into details, but I cleaned with an idiot and double standards are fun(!).
My dad has some sort of growth on his face. He got a biopsy on it and we should here back in roughly ten days. My mom's convinced it's cancer, but she thinks if it is, they've caught it early enough to get it removed with simple surgery. I hope so. More info when I know it.
Ok, Star Wars marathon continues.
- Jeff
Available via e-mail!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Speak Spanish - the fun and easy way!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Convenient 24/7 account access*
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Lasting Fragrance Stays Behind!
We've been patient with him, about as patient as you can expect two 22 year olds who don't want kids to be. We've spent the morning helping him get his homework done. Anytime a problem gets hard he pretends he has to go to the bathroom or instantly "develops" sniffles. That shit may have worked in the past, with other people, but it will never fly with me. I can only assume he's never been called out on it, since every time I do he gets a look of terror on his face. Apparently he realizes he can't lie to me and get away with it. The sad thing is that's worked before.
On a lighter note, I made fajitas last night and they were amazing, though way too spicy for everyone but Andrea and myself. I'll definitely be making them again sometime soon, with a little less hot sauce and jalepenos.
I interviewed at Barnes & Noble yesterday. I feel like it went well. Hopefully I get offered a job. As far as retail goes, that's always been a place I've wanted to work.
OK, time to take the crybaby to school and take back some library books. Then I make a delicious lunch and we have a few hours of quiet.
- Jeff
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Who finished the cherry limeade? Me.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Right off, no never ever
This started as a cheap lunch for her when she was home alone and wanted something quick and easy. Now we all eat it. As such, we buy almost everything in bulk. Sam's Club has become our grocery store. Cheese, sour cream, beans, and tortillas are all bought in bulk. We home-make our salsa from ingredients bought in bulk as well. And then there's rice. Rice is cheap on it's own, but it's ridiculously cheap from Sam's. 50 pound bags for roughly 20 bucks. It's just a matter of finding a place to store it. We took one of those big plastic containers that had Christmas decor in it, washed it out, and filled it with those little white grains. The mothership resides in our closet upstairs, with an old plastic coffee can downstairs for quick kitchen access.
We've definitely adapted well to budgeting, whether it's the bank account or space around the house. It's amazing how much money you save on food living like this.
Wow, did I just ramble for multiple paragraphs about buying and storing food? I hope it's interesting.
- Jeff
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I forgot to post a title before I sent this one in, so..."Title"
I accidentally stepped on Teddy tonight and in retaliation he stuck a claw in the heel of my right foot. Managed to puncture a well-developed callous. If you've never experienced that before, it hurts. A lot. Anyway, Teddy's fine, thankfully. Little guy had me worried though. I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to him.
The more and more I watch this health care coverage, the more and more I'm disappointed in our country. The rest of the world must be laughing at us. I was glad to see Campbell Brown take some time tonight to dispel rumors, but right after that segment there was an ad about Obama the boogeyman and his apparent plots to decapitate senior citizens. I realize Time Warner is a business and their primary focus is making money, but when you're attempting to gain public trust and sell your network as "responsible", maybe you should take 30 seconds to watch an ad before you decide if you'll sell the time for it. Maybe that's just me though.
Tonight is a good night to listen to Holly Cole. I suggest you do so as well.
My foot hurts
- Jeff
Monday, August 10, 2009
Looks like bacon in the forecast
Is it really too much to ask for the Democrats to do what's best for the country, regardless of the loud people that are wrong? The loud ones aren't even in the majority. Just do it and say "I'm sorry you're wrong. You'll thank me later."
I'm still hoping for a miracle, but I'll be shocked if it happens.
- Jeff
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
My Fantasy
Now I feel better
- Jeff
Monday, August 3, 2009
It's August, so Christmas in July is over (for now)
Andrea had an interview at JC Penney. She got the job. 30-40 hours a week selling clothing. And Tim got hired at Subway. That leaves people without jobs: two children, me. Turned in some applications to Best Buy today. Maybe those'll pan out.
I can smell some delicious spaghetti sauce coming from the kitchen, so I think I'll wrap this up and go eat, then finish watching movies after dinner.
- Jeff
Sunday, August 2, 2009
I'll save my heart attack until you get back
I made a fantastic dinner. Just a simple vegetable stir fry. Then things got ugly. I won't go into it here, but suffice to say I'm hiding upstairs listening to music. It may be cliche, but good music always helps my mood.
Ideally, tonight should consist of some TV, popcorn, and laziness. We'll see how it ends up.
- Jeff
Saturday, August 1, 2009
I just made myself some cherry lemonade. It's delicious.
- Jeff
Friday, July 31, 2009
Frogger always got hit on my watch
In better news, we made homemade salsa the other day. It's amazing, super cheap, and makes a lot. It might be the best salsa I've ever had. I've been looking for excuses to eat it ever since.
Well, back to watching Watchmen...
- Jeff
Testing 1,2,3
- Jeff
Thursday, July 23, 2009
No turning back now
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Week 2...a little better than Week 1
As Andrea's family will be staying with us for the foreseeable future now, we rearranged a lot of furniture to make it feel less "temporary" now. Previously, Cory (10 year old brother) was sharing a room with Shelley (their mother), Tim (19 year old brother) was camped out in our den, and Jaime (sister) was sleeping downstairs on the couch.
We took the two desks out of the den, turning it into a full-fledged bedroom again. My desk went into our bedroom, Tim's desk (really Andrea's but since she never uses it she's letting him borrow it) moved down into the living room. This has an added bonus - it forces Tim (who likes to hide out and sit in front of a computer all day) - to be around people and, as a result, be generally more social.
Now Jaime and Shelley are sharing a room (though Jaime only really goes in there to sleep), Tim and Cory share a room (though Tim likes the idea of sleeping on the couch so he only goes in there to get to his clothes), and our formerly spacious bedroom feels a lot more lot a small apartment again. It's a sacrifice I can live with though, it means we'll have a much easier time affording to live.
I'm trying to update/perfect my resume and get it out to as many places as possible. Hopefully I'll have good news soon on that front.
Last night we finished catching Jaime up on Heroes, the level of frustration she felt with the cliffhangers was extremely entertaining.
Anywho, back to work for me.
- Jeff
Sounds: Barenaked Ladies
Sights: The office I never got around to decorating.
Drinks: Coffee and bottled water
Friday, July 10, 2009
I hate having to do this
We found out last night that the Saturn, our reliable car, has some major maintenance issues, and we were told, "trade it in while you still can". We were already planning on trading in the van, our non-reliable vehicle in October when it will qualify for the Cash for Clunkers bill, but now it turns out the van is the reliable vehicle. So we're now trying to figure out how much the Saturn would be worth as a trade, and we still owe 800-900 on it. The only problem is I have no idea how we're going to pull off replacing two vehicles in such a short time frame, especially now that our income situation has changed so drastically.
So here's the part that I hate forcing myself to do. We need help. Anything anyone can do to help us, even just advice or ideas we might not have considered, would be hugely appreciated. Please email me at or call/text me from the phone number on my Facebook page (if we aren't friends on their that's my bad. let me know and I'll get that fixed).
To anyone who's been reading this, thank you. It means a lot that anyone cares enough to follow along, and writing this is already proving very therapeutic.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Speed Bumps
Job at Hughes Properties
I will be remaining with Hughes for the next few weeks, as they find a suitable replacement for me. I don't want them to have to rush and get someone who wouldn't be good at it.
In the meantime I'm putting my resume out there for some sort of part time work. Ideally, I'd love to work part time in a lawfirm. It'd be good experience for me. I'd also be up for part time work for an apartment complex, since I already have that job down. Something around 20 hours a week.
Living Situation
We've asked Andrea's family if they'd be willing to stay with us and contribute to the rent, utilities, cable, etc. Andrea's mother agreed, as it will save everyone, including her, a noticeable amount of $.
The big key here is Andrea/Jaime getting along with their mother. It'll take a concerted effort from all three of them, but I think it can be done.
Here's the big hurdle. We've figured out how to make our monthly bills and income balance, but so far paying for tuition, books, and gas is completely in the red.
Calhoun Community College (where I'm wrapping up my basics to begin with before I transfer to UAH) has a deadline of April for receiving a FAFSA. Futher, according to federal guidelines, I'm still considered a dependent of my parents when it comes to school, so it goes by my parents' 2008 tax returns. Even though my mom was no longer receiving income by fall of last year, that tax return essentially says the government expects my parents to foot the entire bill.
However, as many of you know, my parents quit their jobs, sold their home, bought a boat, and are about to start sailing around the world, so they don't exactly have an excess of money laying around.
My only shot with Federal Aid is to plead my case to Calhoun's financial aid department and see if I can be declared independent status by means of special circumstances, and hope that they can somehow work around that deadline.
Otherwise, I'm trying to get private student loans. I've already checked, and I don't qualify. I went by my current income, which more than qualifies, but my credit - though good for my age apparently - is still not quite good enough. I have to find a cosigner with great credit and at least $12,000 in annual income. It doesn't sound too hard, but so far I've found no one.
Hopefully I'll be able to figure out this cosigner thing, or get granted special circumstances. Right now it's playing out day-to-day.
In Other News
Because my previous phone was a work phone, I have gotten a new phone and number. Let me know if you want it.
- Jeff
Current Sounds - The hum of the office equipment
Current Drink - Code Red
Currently Reading - Rereading Harry Potter 6 in hopes will be able to afford to see it next week