Tuesday, September 15, 2009

99% Fat Free!

I seem to be falling back into the same workaholic habits I've done before. It's not necessarily from trying, but when someone needs a shift covered and they ask me, I say "yes" without even thinking about it. Also, I don't have a problem saying no, but even when I'm not thrilled about having to work, something in the back of my head screams "more hours = more money = more things!" And I instantly agree to it. My feet do not thank me.

By now, everyone's been talking about Kanye West again. It's obviously just a narcissistic cry for attention. Kanye, next time someone wins an award you disagree with, complain on twitter instead. You should be familiar by now. Twitter is the thing that everyone uses to make fun of you when you're an ass.

I'm in the break room at Wal-Mart right now. It smells like chicken noodle soup in here.

Music Trivia!:

Pop Song + Light Southern Accent = Country Song

Playing 70 shows a year (working just over 25% of the time) instantly makes you the hardest working person in show business.

- Jeff

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