Monday, September 7, 2009

Soft 100% Cotton

If you do not enjoy nerd-talk, skip the next paragraph. You've been warned.

Apparently this Wednesday, Steve Jobs will be announcing the next line of iPods. Rumor has it they'll be doing away with the Classic all together. I hope not. Personally, I still prefer the simplicity of the click wheel. Plus, I use an 80gb iPod right now, and to make sure I don't run out of space, I'm forced to either downgrade quality or pick and choose which music makes the cut. I realize that 80gb is plenty of space for most people, but I listen to a lot of music, and if it makes it onto iTunes, that means that at any given moment, I will want to listen to it. If they do pull the plug on the Classic, I hope they'll ensure a Touch model with at least 80gb.

Ok, nerd talk out of the way. I did warn you.

Yesterday in Publix (for people in states/countries that do not have Publix: nicer grocery store) I found Arizona brand Arnold Palmer in big jugs. I've been wanting this for years now. Arnold Palmer, for those unfamiliar, is not just a famous golfer. It's also a drink consisting of 1/2 black tea and 1/2 lemonade (do not confuse this with "iced tea with lemon". It is nowhere near the same thing, and if you make that mistake again I will slap you). There are few beverages better than an Arnold Palmer (one of those is an Arnold Palmer made with green tea instead, but that varies greatly with the quality of the green tea). I recommend you go out and buy one now (found at any respectable gas station: 24 oz can for 99¢), or brew up some tea and make one yourself. I'll wait.


Ok, by now you should have it. Isn't it wonderful? The only correct answer is "yes". If you said "no", throw yourself out a window. You deserve it.

I have my first day of actual training in the pharmacy tomorrow evening. Starting tomorrow I should have a decent idea whether or not I will like this job. The rest of today shall be spent doing little errands or chores around the house.

In the words of Cory, "I've probably met over 1000 cats. There's no way I can remember all their faces."

- Jeff

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the comment(s) about the iPods -- they need to hurry up and get a bigger hard drive for the iTouch if they are discontinuing the Classic!
