Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Week 2...a little better than Week 1

Well, here I am in week two. I've yet to really get a hold on all of this and how it's going to turn out. I do my best to stay positive and hopeful, but there are definitely some rough times.

As Andrea's family will be staying with us for the foreseeable future now, we rearranged a lot of furniture to make it feel less "temporary" now. Previously, Cory (10 year old brother) was sharing a room with Shelley (their mother), Tim (19 year old brother) was camped out in our den, and Jaime (sister) was sleeping downstairs on the couch.

We took the two desks out of the den, turning it into a full-fledged bedroom again. My desk went into our bedroom, Tim's desk (really Andrea's but since she never uses it she's letting him borrow it) moved down into the living room. This has an added bonus - it forces Tim (who likes to hide out and sit in front of a computer all day) - to be around people and, as a result, be generally more social.

Now Jaime and Shelley are sharing a room (though Jaime only really goes in there to sleep), Tim and Cory share a room (though Tim likes the idea of sleeping on the couch so he only goes in there to get to his clothes), and our formerly spacious bedroom feels a lot more lot a small apartment again. It's a sacrifice I can live with though, it means we'll have a much easier time affording to live.

I'm trying to update/perfect my resume and get it out to as many places as possible. Hopefully I'll have good news soon on that front.

Last night we finished catching Jaime up on Heroes, the level of frustration she felt with the cliffhangers was extremely entertaining.

Anywho, back to work for me.

- Jeff

Sounds: Barenaked Ladies
Sights: The office I never got around to decorating.
Drinks: Coffee and bottled water

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