Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I forgot to post a title before I sent this one in, so..."Title"

I've been having trouble sleeping lately. Don't know why. I seem to be back to a stage of insomnia like I had a few years ago. Not much I can do about it. I just keep myself busy playing games on my phone or writing this. You know, mindless things.

I accidentally stepped on Teddy tonight and in retaliation he stuck a claw in the heel of my right foot. Managed to puncture a well-developed callous. If you've never experienced that before, it hurts. A lot. Anyway, Teddy's fine, thankfully. Little guy had me worried though. I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to him.

The more and more I watch this health care coverage, the more and more I'm disappointed in our country. The rest of the world must be laughing at us. I was glad to see Campbell Brown take some time tonight to dispel rumors, but right after that segment there was an ad about Obama the boogeyman and his apparent plots to decapitate senior citizens. I realize Time Warner is a business and their primary focus is making money, but when you're attempting to gain public trust and sell your network as "responsible", maybe you should take 30 seconds to watch an ad before you decide if you'll sell the time for it. Maybe that's just me though.

Tonight is a good night to listen to Holly Cole. I suggest you do so as well.

My foot hurts

- Jeff

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