Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Brief Interruption

Well that was a nice week+ vacation. What did everyone do with their time off?

Since laziness prompted me to skip an entire week, I'll take this as an opportunity to give some answers to questions I've received about this little blog.

1. The Titles
The titles to my entries are typically some sort of slogan or phrase I find on a product or in an ad. These are usually picked by what I find to be the most annoying. (Also of note: I'm very forgetful, so when I do come across a good one to use, I save a draft of an empty entry with the title for use later. I see it as recognizing and adapting to my flaws. Yes, even I have flaws. Sometimes)

2. "Loyal Blogolists"
Loyal Blogolists are anyone who reads this regularly. Now that my parents have joined the group, I think that brings the total to 2? (Hi Mom and Dad!)

3. Topic Choices
A few people have asked me how I come up with topics to write about here, and why it varies so widely between politics, my own life, and various others. For the most part, it's just whatever I happen to be thinking about at the time. My goal with this is to keep it entertaining and enjoyable, regardless of topic. Hopefully if you're reading this, I'm pulling that off. If not, you have bigger problems I don't feel comfortable trying to tackle.

There are a few more I'll answer at a different time. Right now I must be off.

If you have any questions, want to talk, or want to dish out some destructive criticism, hit me up at Twitter (@stylson), Facebook (facebook.com/stylson), or by email at jeff@stylsonrecords.com. (If you send me a friend request, put a note on it, or I'll probably ignore you). Cheers!

- Jeff


  1. Um, you have at LEAST 3 loyal blogolists! How could you forget about me?!

  2. haha. I was numero uno. I feel way cool. Even though I'm apparently late to comment. My bad!
