Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Speak Spanish - the fun and easy way!

Trying to get a 10 year old to do his homework can be a nightmare, I'm learning. This is especially the case when the kid has an attention span lasting nano-seconds.

I got hired at Walmart today. Apparently they felt bad that they couldn't pay me the wage I was making at Hughes, which is amazing to me. Did they actually think I would expect a retail place to match that wage? Anywho, seemingly because they felt bad, they pulled some strings to match what I was making at Target before we moved, $8.18/hr, so all things considered, not too bad. I am considered part-time, and to them that means 16-34 hours a week. We should have no problem covering our bills with this added in, so that's a HUGE relief. I can finally stop worrying about that and start putting more energy into finding out how to fund my tuition in January.

I think I mentioned this briefly before, but I've been making a greater attempt to listen to new music and find up-and-coming bands I enjoy. Yesterday I came by a band called Red City Radio, and holy shit. Outstanding. That said, I've also been listening to quasi-jazz like Jamie Cullum and Holly Cole whenever I feel like relaxing.

Resuming my Star Wars marathon tonight probably.

RIP Ted Kennedy.

- Jeff

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